
My latest projects and news I want to share with you

My bachelor's degree is completed with a final project on the trust relationship between humans and an artificial intelligence system. Specifically, this research is about the effect of error accuracy in advice from an AI system on the trust trajectory.


In the last couple of years, Arti...

Who are you and where are you from?

My name is Luc Siecker, I am 21 years old and I am originally from Breezand. I live in Eindhoven.

What do you study?

I am now in my second year of the bachelor Psychology & Technology at the TU/e. I hesitated a bit between the universities of Groningen and T...

Last year, I wanted to join a student team to get more out of my life as a student and interact with the industry. I looked through all available student teams at the Eindhoven University of Technology and InMotion was the one that caught my eye. InMotion is a student team that focuses on the proble...

Eye tracking data has become easier to generate in the last years. However, this data type is large in size and highly complex to analyze without any sort of visualization. In order to visualize this type of data, one nearly always has to install software. EyeVisualize was created to offer a fast, w...